Source: Deck.js

import Card from './Card.js'
import State from './State.js'

 * @class Deck
 * @module Deck
 * @see State
export default class Deck {
   * @class
  constructor () {
    // Set the internal cards to an empty array. = []

    // Set the internal state to a new State().
    this._state = new State()

   * @type {State}
  get state () {
    return this._state

  set state (s) {
    if (s instanceof State) {
      this._state = s
    } else {
      throw new Error('Passed value is not an instance of State')

   * Get a card based on position.
   * @function getCard
   * @param {number} index - Position of card within deck.
   * @returns {Card|null} Returns Card or null.
   * @memberof Deck
  getCard (index = -1) {
    // Set a default.
    let card = null

    // If index is less than cards.length.
    if (index >= 0 && index < {
      card =[index]

    // Return Card or null.
    return card

   * Update card based on its internal hash.
   * @function updateCard
   * @param {Card} c - Card to update in deck.
  updateCard (c) {
    if (c instanceof Card) { => {
        if (card.hash === c.hash) {
          card = c
    } else {
      throw new Error('Updated card must be Card!')

   * Size of Deck.
   * @function size
   * @returns {number} Returns number of cards.
  size () {

   * Add a Card to the Deck.
   * @function addCard
   * @param {string} content - Text of card.
   * @param {Array} qualities - Array of Expressions.
  addCard (content, qualities = []) {
    // Can't add non-String content.
    if (typeof content !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('Card content must be string!')

    // Can't pass non-array qualities.
    if (!Array.isArray(qualities)) {
      throw new Error('Qualities must be passed as array!')

    // Create a new card and pass it the current state.
    const c = new Card(content, qualities)

    // Add a card to the existing deck.

   * Remove a Card from the Deck.
   * @function removeCard
   * @param {object} c - Card to remove from deck.
  removeCard (c) { = => {
      return entry !== c

   * Shuffle cards in Deck.
   * @function shuffle
  shuffle () {
    // Fisher-Yates shuffle.
    for (let i = - 1; i > 0; i--) {
      const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
      // Swap positions using destructuring assignment.
      [[i],[j]] = [[j],[i]]

   * Draw card from Deck.
   * @function draw
   * @param {number} size - Size of hand to draw from Deck.
   * @returns {Array} Hand of cards.
  draw (size = 1) {
    // Create a hand.
    let hand = []

    // Prevent negative sizes.
    if (size > 0) {
      // Find all available cards.
      hand = => {
        // Pass the current state to the card.
        return card.isAvailable(this.state)

      // Slice out a sub-set of available cards.
      hand = hand.slice(0, size)

    return hand