Learning React


Learning React is an open source textbook designed to be remixed, reused, or improved through submitting issues and pull requests on GitHub!

What This Is (and Isn't)

The word "Learning" in Learning React is purposeful. This is not an exhaustive list of everything in React and how to use it.

This book tries to outline and review major functionality React. Its purpose is to help someone learning React in order to move into more advanced functionality at their own pace. This can be thought of as more of a crash course in React functionality and concepts.


Text and Images

The text and images of this book are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. When using the text or screenshots of this book for academic purposes, please use the following (APA) citation:

Cox, D. (2020). Learning React. GitHub repository. https://github.com/videlais/learning-react


All code examples are released under a Public Domain (CC0 1.0 Universal) license. You are free to use them for any commercial, hobby, or educational purpose without citation, attribution, or acknowledgement. Go and create freely!

React, Facebook, WebPack, Babel, and other tools are trademarked to their respective programs, organizations or companies.

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