Deck and Cards

Both sculptural and QBN models have used the terms "deck-based" and "card-based". Building from the metaphors used in TinyQBN by Grams (2019), SimpleQBN makes these explicit.

In order to use SimpleQBN, a Deck must be created. (Internally, upon creation, each Deck has its own State).

The Deck class has the methods addCard() (accepting content and array of qualities), updateCard() (accepting Card to update in deck), and removeCard() (accepting Card to remove). As Cards are added in sequence, the method shuffle() randomly sorts all Cards in the Deck.

Drawing Cards

Because a Deck may have potentially hundreds or even thousands of Cards, it is often useful to draw a sub-set based on those currently available. The method draw() accept an argument size (defaulting to 1). This returns an array whose length matches the size passed to it of all Cards currently available based on the State within the Deck.

As draw() creates and returns a new array, Cards within the Deck are not affected. However, the method updateCard() can be used to update an individual Card once drawn from the Deck.

If the position of Cards within the Deck is important, the method getCard() can be passed a specific position and will return the Card matching it, if it exists. (If the method shuffle() is used, the internal ordering of all Cards will be changed.)


Grams, J. (2019). Tiny-QBN. GitHub. Retrieved from

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